"Art With a Twist"
A place to come for a fun night out with friends and family to celebrate life
and create a masterpiece of your own!
No Previous Painting Skills Required!
Here are the upcoming Saturday art workshops
taught at the gallery by Ann.
Cost is only $25.00 includes the workshop and supplies!
The workshop is from
2:30 - 5 p.m. on these Saturdays.
July 13th or July 20th: "Smoky Mountain Summer"
August 3rd or 17th:
"Lanier Sunset"
September 14th or 21st: "Texas Road"
October 19th or 26th" "Tennessee Chapel"
November 2nd or 16th: "Cock of the Walk"
December 7th: "Wise
Men still seek"
January 11 or 25th: "Teepee in the Snow
February 1st or 8th: "Love Tree"
March 22nd or 29th: "Wisteria"
Call the Red Cockerill Gallery to reserve
a seat
at 770-944-3160!